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Urine Steroid Testing


Performance enhancing drug test panels are available to detect a wide range of steroids, diuretics and stimulants.

Our test panel is updated periodically to include new prohormones, designer steroids, diuretics and stimulants.

Our steroid test panel is comparable to WADA (World Anti-Doping Agency) tests.

This is a urine test and results are available in 5-7 days.


Substances tested for currently:


1-Androstendiol, Methandriol, 1-Androstendione, Methandrostenolone, 4-Androstendiol, Methasterone, 4-Androstendione, Methenolone, 5-Androstendio, 6-Methylandrostendione, 5-Androstendione, Methyl-1-testosterone, Bolandiol (19-Norandrostendiol), Methylnortestosterone, Bolasterone, Methyltestosterone, Boldenone, Mibolerone, Boldione, Nandrolone, Calusterone, 19-Norandrostadiendione, Clenbuterol (anabolic agent), 19-Norandrostendione, Clostebol, Norbolethone Danazol, Norclostebol, Dehydrochlormethyltestosterone, Norethandrolone, Desoxymethyltestosterone, Oxabolone, 5á-Dihydrotestosterone/Drostandiol, Oxandrolone, Drostanolone, Oxymesterone, Epitestosterone (masking agent), Oxymetholone, Ethisterone, Probenecid (masking agent), Ethylestrenol, Prostanozol, Fluoxymesterone, Quinbolone, Formebolone, Stanozolol, Formestane (anti-estrogen), Stenbolone, Furazabol, Testolactone (anti-estrogen), Halodrol, 1-Testosterone, 4-Hydroxy-testosterone, Testosterone, Mestanolone, Trenbolone, Mesterolone


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